Disclaimer: it is an offence to fly drones (remotely piloted aircraft) in South Australia’s national parks, reserves and marine park restricted access zones without a permit. Refer Parks SA website at https://www.parks.sa.gov.au/permits-and-licences/drones-and-aircraftt
Hallett Cove Conservation Park is an environmental refuge of 54 hectares within suburban Adelaide, where visitors can marvel at the evidence of millions of years of sedimentation in the eroded landscape, while taking in dramatic coastal vistas.

Hallett Cove Conservation Park conserves remnant native flora and has been successfully revegetated. It is a refuge for native birds, reptiles and the occasional echidna or koala, and is used for scientific research. To protect this natural environment and its inhabitants, pets are prohibited.
The Park is now popular with walkers, nature-lovers and tourists. The rocky beach is suitable for swimming, diving and fishing. Spear-fishing is prohibited.
The Park is easily accessed by train, and car parking is available at the northern and southern entrances. Walking trails are shown on the interpretive panels at each entrance.
The Friends of the Hallett Cove Conservation Park are a group of volunteers who work to maintain the park and preserve its biodiverstiy.
Northern entrance Southern entrance
Further information on the Park is available from the South Australian Department for Environment and Water
Southern Lofty District office, tel.(61 8) 8130 9050; or referencing SATourism.
Other material can be sourced by reading the books mentioned throughout the website.