Colourful and showy, or small and hiding, butterflies and moths can be found throughout the year, but they prefer a sunny day in which to warm themselves and take flight.
Caper White (Belenois java teutonia) A large butterfly that migrates from eastern Australia, seen October to December
Common Grass Blue (Zizina labradus labradu s) A tiny blue butterfly seen throughout the year
Concealer Moth (Crepidosceles exanthema) The larvae of this moth hide in rolled up leaves, hence the name ‘concealer’.
Fringed Heath-Blue (Lycaenidae sp)
Geometer Moth (Ectropis excursaria) A broad, flat moth which mimics bark superbly.
Long-tailed Pea-blue (Lampides boeticus )
Southern Grass-dart (Ocybadistes walkeri hypochlorus) This is a kind of Skipper butterfly which has a distinctive ‘zippy’ flight pattern
Wanderer(Danaus plexippus plexippus ) This butterfly is native to North America
Small Grass Yellow (Eurema smilax)
Salt and Pepper Moth(Utethesia pulchelloides) This moth looks quite white when it is flying but you can see its colours when it rests. Notice it’s beautiful shawl-like wings.
Meadow Argus (Junonia villida calybe) A beautiful brown butterfly with sapphire-blue eye-spots
Australian Painted Lady (Vanessa kershawi) A migratory butterfly with strong wings, this butterfly can sometimes be seen out at sea.
Chequered Swallowtail ((Papilio demoeus sthenelus) This beautiful butterfly is the only member of the ‘Swallowtail’ family that doesn’t actually have a tail-tip on its wings.
Case Moth Cocoon – Case Moths make their cocoons from twigs joined together with silk
Cup Moth Caterpillars – These like to stay together for safety. Don’t touch them as the hairs on their body can sting
A list of some butterflies that can be seen in the park:
Australian Painted Lady (Vanessa kershawi)
Black and White Sedge-skipper (Antipodia atralba)
Common Brown (Heteronympha merope merope)
Common Grass-blue (Zizina labradus labradus)
Chequered Swallowtail (Papilio demoeus sthenelus)
Fringed Heath-blue (Neolucia agricola agricola)
Lesser Wanderer (Danaus Chrysippus petilla)
Meadow Argus (Junonia villida calybe)
Rayed Blue (Candalides heathi heathi)
White-banded Grass-dart (Taractrocera papyri papyri)